Consolidated income statement

Year ended 31 March 2024

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Continuing operations    
Revenue 392.1  441.0
Underlying operating profit 43.2  47.3
IAS 19R administrative expenses (1.3)  (1.6)
Acquisition related costs (4.3)  (8.4)
Exceptional operating items 2.3  (9.8)
Operating profit 39.9  27.5
Finance costs (8.1)  (6.4)
IAS 19R finance credit/(cost) 0.8  0.6
Profit before taxation 32.6  21.7
Taxation (5.8)  (4.9)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 26.8  16.8
Earnings per share attributable to equity holders of the Company    
Basic earnings per share:    
From profit for the year 30.1p  19.1p
Diluted earnings per share:    
From profit for the year 29.8p  18.8p
Weighted average number of shares for basic earnings per share (millions) 89.0  88.1
Alternative performance measures    
Underlying profit before taxation (£m) 36.4  41.8
Underlying earnings (£m) 28.8  33.5
Basic underlying earnings per share 32.4p  38.0p
Diluted underlying earnings per share 32.1p  37.4p

All note references relate to the 2024 Annual Report.